Bienvenidos a la División de Barriles de INOXCVA!

Formamos parte del grupo global de empresas INOX, líder mundial en la industria criogénica, que ofrece una amplia gama de productos, como grandes tanques de almacenamiento para criogénicos, tanques de transporte y soluciones de gases industriales, GNL e hidrógeno.

Aprovechando nuestros 30 años de experiencia en la manipulación y soldadura de acero inoxidable, junto con nuestro profundo conocimiento de la producción de soluciones de contenedores de acero de calidad, hemos decidido ampliar nuestra cartera actual de productos a la fabricación de barriles para bebidas.

Nos hemos asociado con el Grupo Supermonte para suministrar barriles retornables de acero inoxidable para bebidas de calidad desde Italia y la India. Nos apasiona lo que hacemos y nuestra prioridad es aportar un enfoque sostenible a la industria de las bebidas, garantizando un proceso de producción fiable para el suministro de barriles de acero inoxidable de calidad.


Ayudanos a Prepararnos para un Futuro Sostenible!

Ventajas de Elegir Barriles de Acero Inoxidable de INOXCVA
  • Sostenibilidad

    Los barriles de acero inoxidable retornables son la mejor opción circular y sostenible para la industria de bebidas.

  • Ahorro de Costes

    No es ningún secreto que reducir costes siempre es bueno para una empresa en crecimiento. Invertir en barriles duraderos y disponer de una logística eficiente puede ayudarle a ahorrar dinero y obtener beneficios en su cuenta de resultados.

  • Entregas Puntuales

    Necesita un socio con el que pueda contar, lo que significa unos plazos de entrega rápidos y flexibles. Nuestras sedes en todo el mundo harán que el envío sea rápido y sencillo.

  • Barriles de Acero Inoxidable de Calidad

    Sabemos que siente pasión por sus productos, así que nos tomamos muy en serio nuestro papel a la hora de dar a su producto el recipiente adecuado. Solo proporcionamos barriles de acero inoxidable de la máxima calidad, respaldados por una garantía duradera, y garantizamos la satisfacción del cliente.

  • Perfecto Para Sus Necesidades

    Le ofrecemos el barril adecuado para sus aplicaciones y requisitos especiales. Nuestros barriles son adecuados para cerveza, vino, refrescos o cualquier bebida en general, y pueden personalizarse de muchas maneras. ¡Haga suyos nuestros barriles!

Una Solución Sostenible para Sus Necesidades de Distribución de Bebidas!
Con un mantenimiento y control periódico, los barriles de bebidas retornables de acero inoxidable pueden durar toda la vida, mientras que la mayoría de los barriles de plástico suelen estar diseñados para un solo uso. Además, después de que un barril de acero haya agotado su vida útil, el acero es 100% reciclable y tiene un valor residual.
Más información
Nuestras Comptencias
Barriles de Acero Inoxidable de Primera Calidad

Todos nuestros diseños de barriles son compatibles o pueden hacerse compatibles con la mayoría de las flotas de barriles existentes.


Suministramos barriles de acero inoxidable innovadores, eficientes y respetuosos con el medio ambiente, fabricados para durar décadas.


Asesoramos a nuestros clientes, ayudándoles a comprender mejor las ventajas de utilizar barriles de cerveza y a elevar su artesanía mediante un enfoque sostenible.

Variety Of Kegs

Variety Of Kegs

Corny Keg
Barriles Cursis

Los barriles de bebidas INOXCVA se fabrican utilizando el material de acero inoxidable recomendado y con certificación NSF (National Sanitation Foundation). Garantizan estándares de higiene de primer nivel y protegen las bebidas de la luz ultravioleta, los contaminantes y la corrosión. Los Barriles de Bebidas INOXCVA han sido ampliamente utilizados en la industria de Alimentos y Bebidas para almacenar cerveza, siropes y otras bebidas, los cuales permanecen inalterados durante el almacenamiento, independientemente de su manipulación y condiciones climáticas.

Características Clave
  • Capacidad: 0,66 g, 0,79 g y 1,32 g.

  • Los barriles de bebidas están hechos de acero inoxidable 304 de alta calidad.

  • Limpiado por proceso de decapado y pasivado

  • Estrictos controles de calidad desde la recepción de la materia prima hasta la inspección final.

  • Versátil para almacenar y transportar bebidas gaseosas

  • Disponible en opciones de mango simple de acero y doble mango de goma.

  • Los barriles con mango de goma doble son apilables

  • Los barriles Pin Lock también están disponibles a pedido

  • Certificado NSF

Barril Delgado

INOXCVA amplía su cartera de productos con los barriles de bebidas “totalmente de acero inoxidable”, la mejor forma de preservar la higiene. Soluciones únicas a través de una gama de productos para la Industria Alimentaria y Química.

INOXCVA ofrece soluciones integrales e innovadoras para diversos campos y aplicaciones: Cerveza, Vino, Refrescos, Sidra, Zumos, Kombucha, Agua, Café, etc.

INOXCVA se encuentra entre los mayores fabricantes de soluciones de contenedores de acero inoxidable con una amplia gama de productos. Nuestro fuerte es poder diseñar, diseñar, fabricar, suministrar y poner en marcha sistemas de contenedores llave en mano, garantizando siempre estándares inmejorables de higiene y seguridad.

20L SLIM 20L / 5.283 237 / 9.33 570 5.70 / 12.56
Características Clave
  • Acero inoxidable de alta calidad (1.4301 / AISI 304)

  • Todo tipo de lanzas y sistemas de cuello

  • Grosor adicional del anillo

  • 100% prueba de fugas

OPCIONES apilable
  • Marcado e inscripciones de gráficos personalizados

  • Marcas de color / Pegatinas / Serigrafía

  • Disco de explosión de seguridad

  • Aplicación de Transpoderes RFID

Barril EURO

INOXCVA amplía su cartera de productos con los barriles de bebidas “totalmente de acero inoxidable”, la mejor forma de preservar la higiene. Soluciones únicas a través de una gama de productos para la Industria Alimentaria y Química.

INOXCVA ofrece soluciones integrales e innovadoras para diversos campos y aplicaciones: Cerveza, Vino, Refrescos, Sidra, Zumos, Kombucha, Agua, Café etc.

INOXCVA se encuentra entre los mayores fabricantes de soluciones de contenedores de acero inoxidable con una amplia gama de productos. Nuestro fuerte es poder diseñar, diseñar, fabricar, suministrar y poner en marcha sistemas de contenedores llave en mano, garantizando siempre unos estándares inmejorables de higiene y seguridad.

30L EURO 30 / 7.925 395 / 15.55 365 10 / 22.04
50L EURO 50 / 13.21 395 / 15.55 532 11.8 / 26.01
Características clave
  • Acero inoxidable de alto grado (1.4301 / AISI 304)

  • Todo tipo de lanzas y sistemas de cuello

  • Grosor adicional del anillo

  • 100% prueba de fugas

OPCIONES apilable
  • Marcado e inscripciones de gráficos personalizados

  • Marcas de color / Pegatinas / Serigrafía

  • Disco de explosión de seguridad

  • Aplicación de Transpoderes RFID

Barril DIN

INOXCVA amplía su cartera de productos con los barriles de bebidas “totalmente de acero inoxidable”, la mejor forma de preservar la higiene. Soluciones únicas a través de una gama de productos para la Industria Alimentaria y Química.

INOXCVA ofrece soluciones integrales e innovadoras para diversos campos y aplicaciones: Cerveza, Vino, Refrescos, Sidra, Zumos, Kombucha, Agua, Café etc.

INOXCVA se encuentra entre los mayores fabricantes de soluciones de contenedores de acero inoxidable con una amplia gama de productos. Nuestro fuerte es poder diseñar, diseñar, fabricar, suministrar y poner en marcha sistemas de contenedores llave en mano, garantizando siempre unos estándares inmejorables de higiene y seguridad.

20L DIN 20 / 5.283 365 / 15.55 300 8.5 / 18.84
30L DIN 30 / 7.925 365 / 15.55 365 10 / 22.04
50L DIN 50 / 13.21 365 / 15.55 590 11.4/25.13
Características clave
  • Acero inoxidable de alto grado (1.4301 / AISI 304)

  • Todo tipo de lanzas y sistemas de cuello

  • Grosor adicional del anillo

  • 100% prueba de fugas

OPCIONES apilable
  • Marcado e inscripciones de gráficos personalizados

  • Marcas de color / Pegatinas / Serigrafía

  • Disco de explosión de seguridad

  • Aplicación de Transpoderes RFID

Barriles de EE. UU. (BBL)

INOXCVA amplía su cartera de productos con los barriles de bebidas “totalmente de acero inoxidable”, la mejor forma de preservar la higiene. Soluciones únicas a través de una gama de productos para la Industria Alimentaria y Química.

INOXCVA ofrece soluciones integrales e innovadoras para diversos campos y aplicaciones: Cerveza, Vino, Refrescos, Sidra, Zumos, Kombucha, Agua, Café, etc.

INOXCVA se encuentra entre los mayores fabricantes de soluciones de contenedores de acero inoxidable con una amplia gama de productos. Nuestro fuerte es poder diseñar, diseñar, fabricar, suministrar y poner en marcha sistemas de contenedores llave en mano, garantizando siempre estándares inmejorables de higiene y seguridad.

1/6 BARREL 19.87 / 5.25 229 / 9.01 590 5.6 / 12.34
1/6 BARREL 19.87 / 5.25 237 / 9.330 590 5.8 / 12.78
1/4 BARREL (SLIM) 29.81 / 7.874 278 / 10.94 7.9 / 17.42
1/2 BARREL 59.62 / 15.75 395 / 15.55 590 14.2 / 31.30
Características clave
  • Acero inoxidable de alto grado (1.4301 / AISI 304)

  • Todo tipo de lanzas y sistemas de cuello

  • Grosor adicional del anillo

  • 100% prueba de fugas

OPCIONES apilable
  • apilable

  • Marcado e inscripciones de gráficos personalizados

  • Marcas de color / Pegatinas / Serigrafía

  • Disco de explosión de seguridad

  • Aplicación de Transpoderes RFID

Barriles ECO

INOXCVA amplía su cartera de productos con los “Barriles ligeros, la mejor forma de preservar la higiene. Soluciones únicas a través de una gama de productos para la Industria Alimentaria y Química.

INOXCVA ofrece soluciones integrales e innovadoras para diversos campos y aplicaciones: Cerveza, Vino, Refrescos, Sidra, Zumos, Kombucha, Agua, Café etc.

INOXCVA se encuentra entre los mayores fabricantes de soluciones de contenedores de acero inoxidable con una amplia gama de productos. Nuestro fuerte es poder diseñar, diseñar, fabricar, suministrar y poner en marcha sistemas de contenedores llave en mano, garantizando siempre unos estándares inmejorables de higiene y seguridad.

15L 15 237 3.58
20L 20 237 4.51
1/6 BARREL 19.87 237 4.50
30L 30 395 7.95
Características clave
  • Apilable

  • Ligero

  • 100% prueba de fugas

  • Todo tipo de Lanzas y Cuello

  • Acero inoxidable de alta calidad (1.4301 / AISI 304)

  • Disponibilidad de AISI 316

OPCIONES apilable
  • Campanas de colores personalizadas

  • Código de barras 2D, matriz, códigos QR grabados con láser

  • Disco de explosión de seguridad

  • Personalizado con serigrafía, grabado químico, bandas de color, grabado láser y etiquetas

Preguntas Frecuentes
¿Tiene experiencia en la fabricación de barriles?

Sí, llevamos unos años fabricando barriles Corny y realizando entregas internacionales. Ahora estamos añadiendo la gama completa de diseños de barriles de acero inoxidable retornables.

¿Por qué cree que los barriles son el futuro de la industria de bebidas?

El barril de acero inoxidable es, con diferencia, la forma más sostenible que tienen las empresas de bebidas de distribuir sus bebidas a largo plazo. Con una logística eficiente, se convierte en el método de distribución más rentable.

¿Fabrican sus propios barriles?

Sí, los fabricamos. Además, nos hemos asociado con Supermonte en Italia para fabricar barriles de acero inoxidable también en Europa.

¿Por qué ha empezado a fabricar barriles después de todos estos años?

Son el futuro de la industria de las bebidas por su sostenibilidad. Creemos que los barriles de acero inoxidable son sin duda el envase más ecológico para bebidas como cerveza, vino, refrescos, zumos de fruta, café e incluso agua; destacan por su resistencia, fiabilidad, durabilidad y seguridad.

Sostenibilidad y rentabilidad gracias a nuestros barriles de bebidas retornables.

Nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad a través de nuestros barriles es una prioridad absoluta para nosotros. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer a nuestros clientes barriles sostenibles de alta calidad diseñados para durar años y reducir los residuos.

Recent Blogs

 Tapping into a Greener Future: The Eco-Friendly Impact of Stainless Steel Beer Kegs
The Eco-friendly Pint: How Stainless Steel Kegs Are Saving the Planet

In an era where environmental consciousness has become a paramount concern, the beer industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Amidst the fervent pursuit of sustainability, an age-old tradition is resurfacing as a beacon of hope: the humble yet ingenious stainless steel keg. This unassuming vessel, once a staple in the brewing realm, is now at the forefront of a green revolution, offering a refreshing solution to the mounting challenges of waste and pollution.

 The Innovation Journey of Kegs
The Evolution of Beer Kegs: From Ancient Barrels to Modern Innovations

Wooden barrels and casks, hand-crafted by skilled coopers, have been used for millennia to store and transport liquids. Archaeological evidence traces their origins to ancient Egypt around 3000 B.C.E, utilizing curved wooden staves and interior charring for watertightness. These barrels revolutionized the storage and transportation of wine, ale, mead, and other commodities, changing the course of human history. Coopers perfected the design over centuries, choosing specific woods and charring the interiors for added flavor. By the Middle Ages, wooden barrels were vital across the known world, enabling new trade routes and long sea voyages. Even today, traditional wooden barrels are still used in whiskey and wine aging to impart unique flavors and tannins.

 Utilize your resources optimally with stainless steel kegs.
Maximizing ROI: Streamlining Keg Management with Stainless Steel

For bars, restaurants, breweries, stadiums, and any business involved in draft beer service, investing in and managing kegs is a crucial part of operations. Stainless steel kegs can have an enormous impact on the bottom line. Between purchasing kegs, cleaning and sanitizing, tracking inventory, and general maintenance, there are countless ways mismanagement of kegs can lead to drained profits. However, by optimizing your keg inventory and operations with durable stainless steel kegs and improved practices, you can streamline success and maximize your return on investment.

 Take your homebrewing to the next level with DIN kegging skills and knowledge.
A Beginner's Guide to Brewing with DIN Kegs

DIN kegs are a specialized type of stainless steel keg conforming to a German national standard for dimensions and fittings. With the right accessories and techniques, DIN kegs can be used by homebrewers to store, carbonate, and serve homemade brews. This guide will provide an overview of DIN keg components, equipment needs, keg preparation, serving, maintenance, and troubleshooting tips for beginners venturing into kegging their craft beers.

 Stainless steel kegs are the gold standard for prolonging craft beer freshness and flavor.
Steel Kegs Keep Craft Beer Fresh Longer

The craft beer industry has exploded in recent years, with over 8,000 craft breweries now operating in the US alone. Craft beer sales have grown at a compound annual growth rate of 10% over the past decade, reaching $29.1 billion in 2021. With this rapid growth, craft breweries are increasingly looking for ways to maintain quality, freshness, and sustainability as they scale up production. This is driving many smaller operations to shift to stainless steel kegs.

Weighing the pros and cons of plastic vs stainless steel beer packaging.
Sustainable beer packaging: Stainless steel kegs - The eco-friendly choice for breweries.

Beer packaging is a crucial factor that impacts product quality, consumer perception, and business operations in the brewing industry. With growing attention to sustainability and experience, choosing between plastic and stainless steel packaging like reusable beer bottles has become a complex decision for beer brands. This article will analyze the key considerations, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each material.

Raising a Sustainable Glass: How Eco-Friendly Kegs Are Changing Craft Brewing for the Greener
Sustainable Packaging: Exploring the Eco-Friendly Kegs

Enjoying beverages in an eco-friendly manner - has become an important concept in the brewing industry. As consumer awareness grows regarding the environmental impact of traditional brewing and packaging methods, a "green revolution" is sweeping through the world of craft breweries and beverage companies. One key focus of this shift is the move towards eco-friendly kegs as a replacement for conventional single-use kegs. Exploring the rise of sustainable kegs provides insight into how the brewing industry is evolving to reduce its carbon footprint.

Brewing Innovation Unleashed: Dive into the World of Mini Kegs with INOXCVA
Mini Kegs: Unveiling the Craft

The world of brewing has witnessed an intriguing evolution, and at the forefront of this transformation are mini kegs – small vessels with a big impact. Understanding the definition and tracing the evolutionary path of kegs unveils a narrative that goes beyond their modest appearance.

Explore INOXCVA's keg size range and customization options for ultimate beverage freshness and quality.
INOXCVA's Keg Excellence: Elevating Beverage Storage

INOXCVA is a leading manufacturer of stainless steel kegs that offers a versatile range of sizes and designs to meet diverse beverage storage needs. Their kegs are specially engineered to preserve the quality and taste of beers, wines, ciders, kombuchas, cold brew coffee, and other beverages. This article will provide an in-depth look at INOXCVA's key keg offerings, their unique features and customization options, as well as tips for optimal storage and maintenance.

Understanding Corny Keg Cleaning and Sanitizing Techniques
Mastering Corny Keg Cleaning and Sanitizing Techniques

Keeping your corny kegs clean is one of the most important and difficult aspects of homebrewing. Proper cleaning and sanitation prevent off-flavors in your beer by removing residue and killing bacteria. While it may seem tedious, establishing good corny keg maintenance practices will ensure your homebrew always tastes its best. This blog is a comprehensive guide, discussing different methods and recommended products for expertly cleaning and sanitizing corny kegs.

Demystify corny kegs and start kegging your homebrew like a pro with this beginner's guide.
Conquering Corny Kegs: A Beginner's Guide to Kegging Homebrew

For homebrewers ready to take their craft to the next level, corny kegs are an essential upgrade. These stainless steel kegs allow you to store, carbonate, and serve your homebrewed beers just like the pros. While corny kegs can seem intimidating at first, they’re quite simple once you understand the basic components and functions. This beginner’s guide will demystify corny kegs so you can start brewing and pouring pints from the comfort of your home. We’ll cover the benefits of corny kegs, help you choose your first system, and provide tips for cleaning, sanitizing, and troubleshooting common issues. By the end, you’ll have the confidence to conquer corny kegs!

Kegs Maximize Space and Efficiency for Breweries - Discover the Benefits of Keg Storage Over Bottles
The Importance of Keg Storage for Efficient Beer Distribution

For breweries and distributors, storing and transporting beer can be a major logistical and financial undertaking. Bottled beer takes up a massive amount of space and is tedious to handle, while kegs provide an efficient and space-saving solution. As a leading manufacturer of stainless steel kegs, INOXCVA understands the benefits that kegs provide for storage and distribution. Here's an in-depth look at why keg storage is so important.

Discover the World of Corny Kegs
What are Corny Kegs? Get an Insight About their Versatility and Convenience for the Brewing Industry

The Cornelius keg also known as the ‘Corny Keg’ is a reusable stainless steel, cylinder-shaped container that is used for the storage of beverages. They are generally used for storing and dispensing carbonated and nitrogenated beverages, as well as in breweries for brewing. They are also used for home brewing as they match the size of a typical batch of home-brewed drinks, and kegs can be used to carbonate the drinks. This means that rather than saving, cleaning, and filling so many bottles, the brewer only needs to fill one keg.

Elevate Industry Standards Sustainably with Stainless Steel Kegs
Industrial Innovations: Exploring the Diverse Applications of Stainless Steel Kegs

Stainless steel kegs have revolutionized various industries, offering a multitude of benefits in the transportation, storage, and distribution of liquids while also making a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. INOXCVA is a leading provider of high-quality stainless steel kegs that are known for their durability, reliability, and eco-friendly features.

Stainless Steel Kegs: A Green Revolution in Beverage Packaging
Explore The Environmental Benefits of Stainless Steel Kegs With INOXCVA

The notion of living and purchasing more sustainably is popular with consumers as a whole. 10,281 consumers from across the world participated in a poll that discovered that 78% of them think that environmental sustainability is essential, find the idea of sustainability appealing, and aspire to live more sustainably. To live more sustainably, 63% of people have already made moderate to large lifestyle changes, such as switching to more environmentally friendly

Stainless Steel Kegs: A Green Revolution in Beverage Packaging
From Beverages to Pharmaceuticals, The Transformative Role of Stainless Steel Kegs in Diverse Industries

Stainless steel kegs are versatile containers that find a wide range of industrial uses due to their durability, hygiene, and high resistance to corrosion. These kegs have earned their reputation as versatile and indispensable containers across a multitude of industries, thanks to their exceptional qualities that make them stand out in the industrial landscape. These kegs are not mere storage vessels; they are robust solutions that cater to the intricate demands of modern industrial processes.

Stainless Steel Kegs: A Green Revolution in Beverage Packaging
The Stainless Steel Keg: Redefining Sustainability in Beverage Packaging

Do you know that 73% of millennials are willing to pay more for a sustainably sourced and packaged product? As more and more consumers are becoming aware of the impact of their choices, kegged beverages are increasingly becoming the responsible choice.

Stainless Steel Kegs: A Green Revolution in Beverage Packaging
Stainless Steel Kegs: A Green Revolution in Beverage Packaging

In a world grappling with the ecological repercussions of plastic overconsumption, the need for sustainable alternatives has never been more pressing. The startling reality is that humans currently generate a staggering 350 million metric tons of plastic waste each year. While recycling efforts have made some headway in addressing this issue, they alone are insufficient to tackle the burgeoning plastic waste crisis. It's high time we break free from our throwaway culture and embrace sustainable, reusable solutions that prioritize environmental well-being.

Using Stainless Steel Beer Kegs and Supporting Community Initiatives with INOXCVA through Sustainable Contributions
Exploring the World of Kegs, A Comprehensive Guide to Types and Applications

Isn't it exciting that reusable stainless steel beer kegs offer benefits for the environment and the economy? Yes, stainless steel beer kegs are one of the most sustainable options to contribute to the environment. With a growing environmental consciousness, the demand for stainless steel barrels is expected to increase rapidly with the global keg market growing at a rate of 4% annually. The total value of the Keg Market will reach $780 million by 2027.

Using Stainless Steel Beer Kegs and Supporting Community Initiatives with INOXCVA through Sustainable Contributions
Using Stainless Steel Beer Kegs and Supporting Community Initiatives with INOXCVA through Sustainable Contributions

Today, we produce about 400 million metric tons of plastic waste every year, and more than 60 million plastic bottles end up in landfills and incinerators every day. Reusing stainless steel beverage kegs is an excellent approach to reducing plastic waste. Due to its highly durable properties, it can be reused for 30+ years.

Take a Detailed Look At the Usage and
                            Different Types of Beer Kegs
Take a Detailed Look At the Usage and Advantages of Different Types of Beer Kegs

Kegs play an important role in the beer industry and should play an important role in the beverage industry in general as well. They can be one-way kegs made out of plastic or returnable stainless steel kegs. They are used to transport and dispense beer and come with a variety of shapes and capacities, but they all serve the same purpose: to transport, store and dispense beer quickly and efficiently.

Kegs: A Sustainable Step in the Beverage
                            and Its Benefits
Kegs: A Sustainable Step in the Beverage Industry and Its Benefits

The beverage industry has long been associated with single-use plastic bottles and cans, which have significant environmental impacts. However, there are more sustainable options, such as the stainless steel kegs which can be considered as a viable and eco-friendly alternative. Kegs, commonly used for storing and dispensing beer, are the most sustainable solution and have gained popularity not only among breweries but also in other beverage sectors. In this blog, we will explore how kegs are a sustainable step in the beverage industry and the benefits they offer.