INOX India Private Limited has initiated a CSR Project related to health care, counselling and awareness for the senior citizens in 5 villages in the vicinity of Kalol Plant. Under this project a specially designed Elderly Mobile Health Unit developed by Deepak Foundation will go to the selected villages and conduct its health care related activities. Apart from this the Senior Citizens of the villages will also be made aware about various Government Welfare Schemes and wherever applicable they will be guided/facilitated to avail benefits of such schemes.
INOX India Private Limited has initiated a CSR Project related to health care, counselling and awareness for the senior citizens in 5 villages in the vicinity of Kalol Plant. Under this project a specially designed Elderly Mobile Health Unit developed by Deepak Foundation will go to the selected villages and conduct its health care related activities. Apart from this the Senior Citizens of the villages will also be made aware about various Government Welfare Schemes and wherever applicable they will be guided/facilitated to avail benefits of such schemes.
The major activities to be conducted under this initiative are as below:-
Healthcare & Education, both face TWO key challenges: Industry exposure & Technical knowledge. To help bridge this gap, INOXCVA have collaborated with ITM Baroda University (ITMBU), Jarod, Vadodara in developing up an on-campus Skilled Development & Welding Excellence Centre.
As per the recent MoU signed, the Excellence Centre will be technically supported & funded by INOX India and ITMBU administration handle its management & operation.
SPARK, corporate social responsibility initiative promoted by INOXCVA, a leader in delivering Cryogenic storage, distribution & transportation solutions worldwide. The Cryogenic industry has a huge demand of Welding professionals, which is primarily a male dominated profession...women were not seen in this area of work. INOXCVA's manufacturing facility is located in an economically and socially backward region.
Seven girls from the surrounding area, who were just 10th grade pass were identified & selected to be trained as welders at Vivekanand Institute of Vocational & Entrepreneurial Competence (VIVEC), which is residential vocational & skill development center run by Shroffs Foundation Trust near Vadodara. All expenses, from training fee to lodging & boarding in the hostel were borne by INOXCVA. After the successful training in VIVEC, these girls were inducted as Trainee Welders in INOXCVA where they are being further trained and mentored to take up bigger roles & challenges in the complex stages of manufacturing processes.
According to Mr. Sudhir Sethi, Head HR, this is a matter of immense pride & satisfaction to witness the transformation in the lives of these rural girls. They are role models, not only in their family or community, but for themselves as well.
Under CSR initiatives, INOX has undertaken various projects in Kalol Taluka of the Panch Mahals District in the field of education, health & hygiene, and water conservation.
The projects include developing infrastructure in village schools, construction of toilets, conducting medical checkups, construction of check dams, and deepening of ponds. The Company organizes medical checkup camps regularly in the villages and distributes free medicines and vision correction glasses.
The INOX Group has an extensive tradition of community service – taking environmental protection seriously, fostering human growth and conserving natural resources. We at INOXCVA are committed to honouring this heritage and improving the quality of life of the communities we operate in.
Recently INOX adopted ITI, Lunawada under PPP mode and converted it into Centre of Excellence. In this ITI, INOXCVA has designed and implemented a sophisticated and contemporary curriculum for training in the trade of welder.