Satellite and Launch Facilities System

INOXCVA’s Cryo Scientific Division (CSD) deals in challenging and specialized work in space exploration projects, with expertise in various areas of Research & Development, Cryogenic applications and Turnkey solutions.

Over the years, CSD has developed vast in-depth knowledge and understanding of Cryogenic engineering with a proven track record of successfully designing and implementing complex cryogenic storage systems.

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Our Expertise:

  • Cryogenic propellant (Liquid Hydrogen/Oxygen/Methane) filling and servicing facility for Launch Pad project

  • Development of Cryogenic Fluid Handling Systems

  • Thermovacuum / Space Simulation Chambers

  • Gas storage and servicing facility for Launch Pad project.

  • Super Insulated Flexible Hoses for Cryo Propellant loading into launch vehicle.

  • Indigenous Development and supply of Liquid Nitrogen shielded Liquid Hydrogen Tank.

  • Design, Engineering and fabrication of Super Insulated piping and Cryo Valve units/Boxes for meeting requirements of Launch Pad Augmentation Project.

  • Large Capacity tanks for Liquid Hydrogen, Liquid Nitrogen and Liquid Oxygen Storage systems

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Be it pushing Cryo-technology to higher orbits, designing & development initiatives for Clean Energy and Ultra-low Temperature applications, or applying engineering expertise for Advanced Technologies and turnkey solutions for Scientific & Industrial Research – INOXCVA is leveraging its cutting-edge technical expertise and expansive product portfolio to innovate Clean Energy solutions that make a world of difference to the world, with development of Green Energy.

Achieved excellence in Design, Modelling, Analysis, Sourcing, Procurement and Manufacturing of storage, distribution & transport equipment for Cryogens ranging from 2 to 200oK (-271 to -73oC) Helium, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon.

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