Press Release

SUper insulated 300m3 liquid nitrogen tank for ISRO SHAR-SRIHARIKOTA - first of its kind undertaken in india,probably Asia...!

Leadership, by design... says INOXCVA's company profile... And they recently demonstrated they are truly ahead of others, with another major milestone achieved in the field of cryogenic insulation technology.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), in process of setting up large storage capacity for Liquid Nitrogen at SHAR - Sriharikota, needed large cryogenic tank, free from any maintenance or vacuum restoration regeneration for long durations. So, understandably, ISRO relied on INOXCVA to design and build 2 tanks with ultra-high levels of thermal isolation using multilayer super-insulation in combination with high vacuum. The tank V30507AS is 25m tall, 5m Dia, weighing ~127T, and is installed with Vacuum Jacketed outer piping valve skid meeting ISRO's operational requirements.

On a related matter, our readers may be reminded our last updates carried the successful supply and installation of 6x770m3 LNG Marine Fuel tanks on the ConRo ships project. INOXCVA is now, proudly executing contracts for 2x1000m3 LNG tanks for Marine Harvest Scotland Ltd. Leading from the front, INOXCVA demonstrates its capability & competence in meeting challenging requirements, globally.